10 thoughts on “Lingam Massage Technique

  1. I wish I could learn how to be a Lingam massage therapist to help more men in my country to relax from stress and many others sickness, I love this work on a professional level

  2. Spreche hier als Lingam Empfänger, kann nur jedem Mann raten sich einer Lingammassage zu unterziehen, wirkt sehr entspannend. Erlebte dort einen Multiorgasmus, habe das jetzt fest in mein Sexualleben integriert und es klappt hervorragend im Bett mit meiner Partnerin.

  3. Take a look at Laurens pleasure on onlyfans that’s all she does is drain the balls of men in need just like this but the guys Cum like 3-6 times

  4. Oh my God, beautiful video and the person who gives… my god she’s a true specialist. I only could enjoy as if she was massaging my Penis. I think we all need more tantra, lingam or Crown massage in our lives!

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