Massage for Couples

There are so many obvious advantages in a couple massage: like building better intimacy between you and your partner, learning more about each other’s sensual part, spicing up your usual sex routine and getting much closer to each other too during a loving and very erotically charged massage session. When there is a proper connection between a man and a woman, a technique does not matter much, it is tenderness, love and respect that will play the main role here and make the experience mutually pleasurable and unforgettable. If you have never tried anything like this before, then it will be a good opportunity for you to learn how to give and receive pleasure. It may become an unusual and somewhat adventurous journey for you, this site will be your best guide on the way to closer intimacy and open sensuality.

You can declare love just with your delicate touches and strokes, and it will work even better if you spend some time on creating a relaxing, romantic and charged with eroticism atmosphere. A warm and dim candle-lit room, scented oils and soft music can help a great deal, they will bring both the partners into the right mood affecting them on a basic physical level and engaging all of their senses in this intimate play. Shut the world out and get ready to concentrate just on each other for some period of time. This kind of mutual massage brings a couple to a higher level of intimacy, when a man and a woman really feel connected even through their simultaneous breathing and heart beating. Now nothing will come in the way of your pleasure journey, and you can slowly undress each other and start the sensual exploration of your naked bodies.

This erotic couple massage is really special as both of the partners play the giving and receiving part at the same time or just in turns, that is why the pleasure will be mutual, and it sounds much more exciting than a one-way massage. Love, tenderness and attention are the key ingredients of this type of massage; you do not have to be a licensed masseuse or masseur to participate in a mutual massage session, your enthusiasm, creativeness and care will make up for the lack of skill and technique, though with this site you can learn quite a lot and feel free to practice all the massage tricks you like with your partner later.

You may use just your hands, or if you feel quite sure of yourself and your technique, you may try to perform a body-to-body massage using some oil to freely glide over your partner’s body. But whatever you do, you have to feel like plunging in the ocean of tenderness, treating each other to gentle embraces and slow lingering strokes of a full-body massage. With this sensual rubbing and caressing you will gradually bring each other from the state of total relaxation to the highest level of arousal. When all the tension leaves your bodies and every touch starts sending waves of pleasure up and down your spines, it will be time to concentrate on your more pronounced erogenous zones and make some pleasant vibrations go through your genital areas. Just remember that it is not a love-making, it is a feast for your tactile senses, it is all about the touch and stimulation that will allow you to prolong pleasant sensations and reach the threshold of the sensual ecstasy through this kind of mutual erotic massage.

If you need some tips, watch the intimate massage of a black couple. Those two look like they know exactly how to bring each other to sheer bliss, and besides their sculptured glistening with oil bodies and skilled strokes look extremely good from the both erotic and aesthetic points. They will definitely add to your turn-on. Even if you do not feel like playing an active part in this mutual pleasure rub, you can be a silent witness (well, maybe not that silent afterwards, but it is up to you), before you decide to treat your partner and yourself to the erotic couple massage, even if just for the experiment’s sake!

11 thoughts on “Massage for Couples

  1. What kind of music do you prefer for massages? I have just discovered ethnic music to relax and I think it could be usefull..

  2. We are traveling from IL to Fl soon and was looking to stop in Chattanooga TN for the night and wanted a couples sexual massage for me and my wife. She wants a nice looking naked man to massage her and I want a woman to provide my massage. What is the cost and are they licensed massage therapist. And where are you located

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