
Woman’s Body Worshipping Tantra Massage

She’s never experienced this kind of intimate touch, Adriana thought. Shedding all her inhibitions, she was baring not only her body, but also her mind and soul. Under the skilled and caring guidance of Tantra goddess Charlotta she was finally ready to explore her sexuality. The more she was aware of her body needs, the greater pleasure she received. Worshipping of the divine feminine is the main purpose of this sacred practice, while a body-shaking orgasm is just a pleasant and often inevitable by-product on the way to sensual enlightenment. Cum and experience the power of invigorating and sexually stimulating Tantric Temple massage!

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Female-to-Female Loving Tantra Massage

Tantric massage master Charlotta quickly becomes immensely popular at, and this compelling video is just another treat from her. Her gentle and sensitive touch is a prelude for more. The temperature starts rising as soon as she unleashes the tantalizing power of her mouth and fingers on the female model’s most intimate parts. This guru of erotic touch looks devastatingly good in the nude and her expertise in spiritual tantric massage seems unquestionable. But she brings something new into the ancient sensual practice. And this new ingredient is love. It isn’t simply a woman-on-woman massage movie, it is all about a woman loving another woman, so enjoy!

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Full-On Sensual Immersion of a Couple Massage

Meeting a new love is always a spirit-stirring experience. The chemistry building between you is a true miracle. The first fascinating explorations of your bodies, the first touch and the blazing passion… the passion that is absolutely beyond your control. This massage video demonstrates the highly charged atmosphere that a couple of new lovers creates around them as they get immersed into each other for the very first time. She gazes at his maleness with such yearning, and he looks like he’s won a lottery. They won’t notice what’s happening within a stone’s throw from them. Their mutual immersion is so strong that the rest of the world seems to vanish for them.

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Tantric Orgasm Control Massage Practice

What is edging? It’s a sexual technique allowing one to remain in a build-up phase of climax for a long time. What’s the point of it? Firstly your unselfishness makes you a better lover. Secondly it actually prolongs and intensifies your pleasure. Why? Because it’s not an orgasm but the near orgasm state that drives you insane. Surely your arousal will demand a release, but it won’t last long. Your orgasm is a euphoric but sadly fleeting moment, while edging can prolong your ecstasy for a much longer time. Such orgasm control practice makes the final outcome much more pleasurable and intense, and on learning it, a couple will be reaching the final stage together.

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Vital Ingredient of a Tantric Massage

Pleasure should be a journey, not just a destination when it comes to a tantric love-making massage. Searching for a quick release, you will miss something important. It’s like clicking through a movie up to the end or reading just the last pages of a book. Now you know the answer, but something essential is slipping away. It’s anticipation that is part of the pleasure equation. It brings the thrill, tightens you nerve endings and alerts all your senses. Let your anticipation build-up, and the final will be much more overwhelming. Your pleasure can last for minutes or even hours on end instead of a few fleeting seconds. This massage film is all about sweet anticipation…

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